The HCG Diet has been making waves of controversy, with many pop diet specialists, such as Dr. Oz, supporting the diet. However, many others are steadfastly against it and consider it dangerous. Let's set the record straight by taking an unbiased look at the HCG Diet.
The Food Guidelines
The HCG diet is a very calorie-restricted diet. It limits you to just 500 calories a day for eight weeks. You are limited to two meals: lunch and dinner.
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The push-up is one of the most common exercises when individuals are trying to increase their upper body strength. However, what do you do when these standard push-ups no longer provide a challenge for you and leave no room for improvement? To keep your push-ups challenging and working your body, here are three variations that will help you take your push-ups to the next level:
1. Push-Up with Feet Elevated
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One of the best-known side effects of using steroids for sports performance is acne. The way many people talk about acne and steroids, you might assume that there's no escape from ruddy skin if you choose to take these drugs. Think, however, about the bodybuilders you see on television. They are generally acne-free, and you can be too, if you're careful to take these precautions:
Let your doctor know if the steroids you are taking are causing acne.
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Not seeing the results you want at the gym? If so, then you might be considering the option to begin working with a personal trainer. After all, personal training can provide you with the one-on-one guidance, expertise, and accountability that you need to achieve your fitness goals. Of course, personal training doesn't come cheap, so there are a few proactive steps you'll want to take to make the most of your experience.
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